For Experienced Developers

Level up your web dev knowledge by skipping the basics and focusing on the advanced parts!

About This Path

Even though our complete web development course starts at the basics, it doesn't stop there! This course contains tons of advanced topics and knowledge for you to leverage!

Take the course in order (i.e. following the currciulum) but skip the basic course sections, fast-forward through lectures which you already know and focus on the parts that are most interesting to you!

  • Skip the basic modules (unless you want a refresher) and fast-forward to later modules.

  • Use the curriculum and the playback controls to focus on the topics that are most valuable to you!

  • Explore our examples and projects to test and apply your knowledge!

Recommended Entry Points

Only you know which knowledge you already have and which sections make sense to skip. Definitely feel free to exlore the full course curriculum to find out which course modules are most interesting to you.

No matter which entry point you choose though, you should always go through section 1 ("Getting Started") of the course!

Below, you find a couple of possible entry points.

  • Take the full course, A to Z

    This is always an option: You don't skip anything, instead you take the full course - with or without the 100 days challenge.

    Take the Full Course

    Start at the beginning: With lecture 1 in section 1.

  • Focus on Version Control (Git & GitHub)

    Ignore the coding part for now and focus on managing the code and your code changes via version control with Git & GitHub.

    Start with Git & GitHub

    Skip coding (for now) and jump right into section 6.

  • Skip the Core HTML & CSS Basics

    You already know basic HTML & CSS? Skip the introductory course sections and dive right into more advanced HTML & CSS content.

    Explore Advanced HTML & CSS

    Skip the basic sections, start with section 7.

  • Start with Frontend JavaScript

    Skip important HTML & CSS concepts (like building responsive layouts etc) and start with frontend JavaScript.

    Dive Right Into JavaScript

    Skip HTML & CSS sections, start with section 11.

  • Skip Basic Frontend JavaScript

    Skip the basics and dive into advanced (frontend) JavaScript concepts like DOM manipulation & control structures.

    Dive Into Advanced JavaScript

    Skip basic JavaScript, start with section 12.

  • Start With The Backend

    If you already know basic HTML, CSS & JavaScript, you can skip right ahead to the backend development course sections (with NodeJS).

    Explore Backend Development

    Skip frontend development, start with section 16.

  • Skip NodeJS Fundamentals

    Skip the NodeJS basics and dive into more advanced backend concepts and technologies - like Express & templates.

    Dive Into ExpressJS & More

    Skip backend basics, start with section 18.

  • Skip Backend Fundamentals

    Already know the basics of backend development with NodeJS? You can skip right ahead to using databases (SQL & NoSQL).

    Start Working With Databases

    Skip advanced backend features, start with section 22.

  • Start with the "Online Shop" Course Project

    Do you already know basic frontend and backend development? Practice what you learned by building a complete online shop project!

    Dive Into A Complete Project

    Skip most of the content, start with section 32

  • Start with Custom REST APIs

    You already know how to work with HTML, CSS, JS, NodeJS etc.? Learn how to build your own REST APIs (and what that is) step by step!

    Start Building APIs

    Skip all the fundamentals, start with section 35.

  • Start with JS Frameworks

    Dive deeper into frontend JavaScript development and build more powerful UIs by exploring a first, very popular JavaScript framework.

    Start Learning JS Frameworks

    Skip all the fundamentals, start with section 36.